Sunday, December 7, 2008

Who knew?

A couple of thoughts. I know very little about Peter Schiff here and this video was edited to show the highlights of his commentary. That being said, one has to appreciate the prescience of his forecasting. Secondly the arrogance of the other commentators is horrific. Admittedly this is television and such brashness makes for good tv. As a result in the end it works to make Schiff come off all that much more of a level headed adult vs. an optimistic cheerleader.

Also thinking in retrospect how many people intuitively knew he was right but chose to accept the more optomistic path.

1 comment:

gweasel said...

This guy was really on the money. I agree with you that his detractors really look bad in hindsight. This is a fellow that poeple may want to pay a little attention to.